Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Well, it's Wednesday night, only 2 more sleeps before heading off to BC. That's going to be quite a ride with very few sleeps. Lotsa ground needs to be covered in so little time. Leaving Friday after work and flying back from Vancouver's International airport Monday night (thank God it's the last flight out at 11:00 pm). I'll be carrying a couple extra gas cans with me (with stabilizer fluid so that if I don't need it along the ride, I'll dump it in the tank as the last fill so that it's o.k. for the four months the bikes sitting while i'm gone). I'll be trying out my camera ( a new point and shoot camera with video). I'll also be trying out the helmet camera for the trip. Ordered another battery backup. Mick, from compass expeditions is recommending we all bring 500 GB portable hard drives for backing pictures up).
I found out today that my Visa's are ready and being purolated to me tomorrow (fantastic!). One main worry to check off. I have to get a USB portable charger that I'll be able to charge right off the bike when we are in places where we won't have any electricity.
I think the ride to BC is the most daunting at the moment. At night i'll be travelling slow in case of animals and stopping when too tired. Mapped out the trip last night with many alternatives depending on how I'm feeling at the time. Also, just got t-shirts done for the trip, they look awesome. Checking off things on the list. After this weekend less than two weeks before I'm done work and when I leave. I'll be updating my post along the ride to BC. If anyone's out there, please drop in and say hi. Words of wisdom always appreciated.


  1. exciting a trip! You have some of us just sitting at the edge of our seat ..waiting to hear the progress. All the best girlfriend.


  2. Thanks Miss Aira. Wish you were coming too.
    Luv Ya!
