Monday, May 31, 2010

Riding Buddies

Just one day more than a week away and I'm wrapping up things that I need to do before I leave and am gone for four months. This weekend I got a chance to see most of my riding buddies (not all unfortunately). It was an extroardinary Sat. night in which I attended a gathering held for two friends who were recently married, Tim & Linda. As I witnessed such a deep and respectful love between these two newlyweds, it made me sit back and reflect on how similar a feeling I feel with all my Riding Buddies. At this event, most of the people I ride with whom I've not only travelled to the Alps (my five countries in a week trip) but to other places such as Rome to Sicily (last year) and Pennsylvania as well. If it wasn't for this particular group of riders who not only widened my perspective about the different types of riding (cruising vs sport touring) but have become a unique bunch of friends for the stories we all share with one another, the non-stop laughter that's a result of the varied personalities within the group and the genuine concern for one another that is non-judgemental. This bond has not only become a deep source of friendship but one of love for one another within the group - an invisible thread that has linked us all. It's oftentimes very difficult for those who don't share the same passion for riding to understand not only the incessant need to ride but the bond that our group shares and perhaps to some this bond may feel threatening. Yet, once past the whys and wherefores for riding, it is clear that through riding everyone is on their own journey (or rides their own ride) for their own personal reasons and the group not only supports but uplifts each other to a higher level of awareness and understanding of themselves.

So, as I'm getting ready to leave I know I'm not leaving behind my friends, my riding buddies, my new family but I'm taking them with me on my trip of a lifetime that they too will be taking in 2013. So here's to you my friends. I will miss you dearly and I will be thinking about you on your trips without me this summer but know I carry you all in my heart with me. Luv Ya!


1 comment:

  1. Sorry, correction, should read higher awareness and understanding of "ourselves".
