Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Road of Bones to Magadan

Presently I am in my hotel room in Vladivistock (Vladivistock Hotel) after having left Magadan two days ago (Tuesday, Sept 21st). I have a lot to tell you all about the Road of Bones and for any biker enthusiast, you will want to know. BELIEVE ME!!!!!!
However, I will have to update you all in a day or two as we are just about ready to leave for the plane to Japan. After leaving Yakutsk, most of the group were five nights (six days) on the Road of Bones. There were five of us however, that had six nights (seven days) on the Road of Bones. The thing we all kept saying to one another is "this is an adventure mate" and that it was. For anyone considering doing this trip, it is not for the fane of heart, spirit and will. It is for those looking for an experience that you will never duplicate again in your life and one that will tear the shit out of your bike (not to mention your body as well). Yet, only a handful of people in the world do this type of trip and I am proud to say that I am one of them along with Pat, Mick T., Murray, Joe and Isaac. Carmen was our life support for food, support and fabulous pictures that will keep us with this journey forever however her adventure would have been a different experience than ours (although five of us had the same experience the last night where there was snow, freezing rain and we had to camp on top of a major mountain when they closed off the roads and she didn't know whether Joe made it to Magadan or not and he didn't know if she was safe or not). Mick MacDonald and Leo were our incredible tour leaders and I can honestly say that it takes extremely special and extroardinary people to lead an expedition of this magnitude So on that note I have to leave you hanging but many pictures of "The Road of Bones" will follow with a blog about our final days (which were extremely memorable). Until then......

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations and well done to all of you.
    I am proud to say that I have met and riden with you but sad I could not complete the trip.
