Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Krasnodar to Rostov-on-Don, Russia

Leaving Krasnodar, we headed to Rostov-on-Don, Russia. It started out as a beautiful morning. I was listening to my I-Pod head bobbing to Christina Aguillera and then it started becoming overcast and the skies opened, the rain fell and the lighting bolted. At one point it was raining so hard that we had to pull under an overpass. A Russian motorcyclist went speeding by, pulled over then backed his way under shelter with us. WOW!!!! Aira, I hope you're reading this and seeing the pictures. He was HOT!!!! He was decked out in all black, he had a mirrored helmet visor and was driving a Honda 900 (I tried telling him I worked at Honda but who needs communication anyway). So, you will see a pic with my new Russian spyguy. After stopping for gas, we carried off in the rain and pulled over at one point to make sure we were all together. We went to take off and Pat had a nail in his tire. It seemed to happen right in front of a garage but being that Jason is a mechanic, he and the guys got to work fixing the tire while Mick (tour leader), Carmen and myself started looking for bread at a local grocery store and we did our picnic lunch right there (pic with weather clearing and bikes stopped at gas station). After that, the weather stay nice and we arrived to a busy Rostov-on-Don. We had dinner aboard a boat with Russian women and men (dressed in traditional dress while the men were dressed in military uniform) serenading people along the water. Prior to getting to our hotel, however, we stopped a few times along the side of the road to get some pictures of the monuments that we were driving passed. Obviously having something to do with the war and that there are many different monuments everywhere alongside the roadways. I've also included our hotel, a picture of the restaurant that we ate at (ship), the entertainment with people dancing in the streets, the Russian beer, vodka and women (Isaac caught their attention) plus the four amigos (Mick, Murray, Patrick,Jason) walking back to the hotel.

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